Monday, May 15, 2023

Analytical Calendar - 008 - Analytical Calendar Design

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Analytical Calendar

Analytical Calendar Design

Analytical calendar consists of three calendars including Analysis Calendar, Comparison Calendar and Custom Calendar. Analysis Calendar is responsible for reflecting the date selection for analysis. Comparison Calendar is responsible for reflecting the comparison selection for date comparison. Custom Calendar is responsible for custom date range selection.

Analytical Calendar can deal with actual dates like year, quarter, month, week, date, and also allow standard date range like YTD, MTD, YTM, etc, and even more for rolling in different date levels like year, month, week, date. These date range representations are simply converted into the range bounded by start date and end date.

Comparison Calendar references the Analytical Calendar and, on top of it, apply comparison unit and range for date comparison. Integrity is enforced for the comparison unit and comparison range.

The Custom Calendar can accommodate any selected date range and allow comparison selection of any date range.

Basic Elements

There are a few basic elements in the calendars.

1.        Date Range Type

It has two components including the date granularity and the date range type. For example, D-Actual, D-YTD, M-Actual, M-YTM, etc. The date granularity is to control which unique date to show, and the date range type is to control which date range it means for the unique date selected.

2.       Unique Date

It is a combination of all the unique dates including year, year quarter, year month, week year week and date. Once the date range type (i.e. the granularity) is selected, it will show the relevant unique date of the same granularity.

3.       Rolling Range

It works with the date range type with rolling such Y-Rolling, Q-Rolling, M-Rolling, W-Rolling and D-Rolling. It specifies the rolling range required starting from 1 to the maximum allowed rolling period. If non-rolling date range type is selected, it shows N/A.

4.      Comparison Unit

The comparison unit includes Y, Q, M, W and D. It means the date unit for the comparison, i.e. year before, quarter before, month before and so on.

5.       Comparison Range

The comparison range means how many date units for the comparison period. It starts from 1 to a maximum allowed comparison range.

 6.       Custom Date

It is a list of dates for handy picking up the range for comparison.

Analysis Calendar

Analysis calendar consists of the below elements:

1.        Date Range Type

It specifies the date granularity and also the date range type, e.g. D-Actual, D-YTD, M-Actual, etc. There are plenty of cases can be defined based on the need.

2.       Unique Date

It is specifying the date using a unique date format by the date granularity.

·         Date Level => Year-Month-Day, e.g. 2022-02-02.

·         Quarter Level => Year-Quarter, e.g. 2022-Q1

·         Month => Year-Month, e.g. 2022-02.

·         Week => Year-Week, e.g. 2022-W20.

·         Year => Year, e.g. 2022.

It is a unique date representation based on its date granularity. In other words, the Date Range Type controls the corresponding unique dates in the same date granularity level, e.g. Y-Actual, it shows 2022, 2021, etc. while M-Actual, it shows 2022-01, 2022-02, etc. As a result, there is no ambiguity on what date granularity you are selecting.  For instance, M-Actual for 2022-02 is selecting a month, D-Actual for 2022-02-01 to 2022-02-28 is selecting 28 dates.

3.       Rolling Range

It is specifying the number for rolling period with respect to the date granularity, e.g. N/A (it is not rolling related), 1, 2, 3, etc. If date granularity is Y, it means rolling by year, if M, it means rolling by month, so far and so on.

As a result, based on selecting these three attributes, it is allowed to select from one particular date to a range of dates. Date range includes standard date range like YTD, MTD, YTM, etc and rolling N years, N months, N weeks or N days.

Comparison Calendar

Comparison calendar consists of the below elements:

1.        Date Range Type

It is the same as the date range type in the Analysis Calendar as the comparison reference.

2.       Unique Date

It is the same as the Unique Date in the Analysis Calendar as the comparison reference.

3.       Rolling Range

It is the same as the Rolling Range in the Analysis Calendar as the comparison reference.

4.      Comparison Unit

It specifies which date level comparison is required. It has a special comparison unit called custom. This means to pick up custom dates.

·         Year Level, i.e. Y

·         Quarter Level, i.e. Q

·         Month Level, i.e. M

·         Week Level, i.e. W

·         Date Level, i.e. D

·         Custom Level, i.e. Custom

The available comparison unit is enforced with integrity. Once the date range type (date granularity) is selected, only relevant comparison unit is shown. For example, 2022, it is unable to compare in month level. Instead, it only allows Year level comparison.

The two comparison methods, i.e. comparison unit and custom date range are mutually exclusive to each other. In other words, if comparison unit method is used, custom date range comparison is deactivated while using custom date range comparison, comparison unit is deactivated.

5.       Comparison Range

It specifies the date range for comparison regarding to the available comparison units. Custom level does not have a comparison range.

Custom Calendar

There is an additional calendar called the custom calendar. It is the same as a master calendar. It allows to select exactly which dates as the comparison period.

Integrity Control

Integrity control is one of the core features in the analytical calendar because a calendar is normally very flexible for users to do selection. However, if all the date integrity is manipulated by users, it is instead not user friendly.

Analytical Calendar, thus, pre-builds all the integrity control. In other words, the user would not be possible to select something that will be confused. Technically, it reduces the effort for the developer to “fight” against the combinations and scenarios for the usage. Complicated calculations (like the date conversion) would not be required anymore in the dashboard development. Therefore, developer can purely focus on the front-end visualization.

Below shows some examples of considerations of the data integrity about date. When the corresponding date range type is selected, it only allows the corresponding comparison unit. 

Comparison Date Range Type

Comparison Unit

























































Taking an example YTD, it makes sense only to compare last year instead of yesterday. As a result, if YTD is picked, the only comparison unit allowed is year. Another example like rolling 1 year, it makes more sense to compare by year instead of month, week or day. As a result, year is the only selection in the comparison unit for rolling year.

It will be good to support all kinds of rolling and comparison. However, it also generates a lot of data when building up the calendars. Therefore, certain limits are set to avoid overwhelming usage.

For the rolling range, by default, it is configured as below.

Date Range Type

Rolling Range




Allow 30 days rolling, which is less than the number of days in a month. If 1 month rolling is required, then select 1 month instead.



Allow 11 months rolling, which is less than number of months in a year. If 12 months rolling is required, then select 1 year using ‘Y-Actual’ in Unique Date instead.



Allow 26 weeks rolling, which is less than the number of weeks in half year. If half year rolling is required, then select 6 months using ‘M-Actual’ in Unique Date instead.



Allow 3 quarters rolling, which is less than number of quarters in a year. If 4 quarters rolling is required, then select 1 year using ‘Y-Actual’ in Unique Date instead.



Depends on data size

For the comparison range, by default, it is configured as below.

Comparison Unit

Comparison Range





Depends on data size.



Allow 3 quarters comparison, which is less than number of quarters in a year. If 4 quarters comparison is required, then select 1 year using ‘Y-Actual’ in Unique Date instead.



Allow 11 months comparison, which is less than number of months in a year. If 12 months comparison is required, then select 1 year using ‘Y-Actual’ in Unique Date instead.



Allow 26 weeks comparison, which is less than the number of weeks in half year. If half year comparison is required, then select 6 months using ‘M-Actual’ in Unique Date instead.



Allow 30 days comparison, which is less than the number of days in a month. If 1 month comparison is required, then select 1 month instead.

Date Association

The date is now represented using Date Range Type, Unique Date, Rolling Range, Comparison Unit, Comparison Range and Custom Date. Consider the following example:

Date Range Type = D-YTD

Unique Date= 2022-02-05

Rolling Range = N/A

Comparison Unit = Y

Comparison Range = 1


The analysis calendar should reflect date from 2022-01-01 to 2022-02-05 and comparison calendar should reflect date from 2021-01-01 to 2021-02-05. There is an association relationship of the representation to the actual date selection. It can be imagined that this will generate a huge number of records. To minimize the number of records, a new representation is introduced.


If it is represented using date, the analysis calendar requires 36 date values for this association and the comparison calendar also requires 36 date values for the association. In total 72 records are required. However, a better representation would be 2022-02-05|35. It means 0 to 35 days before 2022-02-05, i.e. 2022-01-01 to 2022-02-05. In this representation it only requires 2 records. It greatly reduces the number of records.


And more importantly this representation can be used. For example,


Date Range Type = D-Rolling

Unique Date= 2022-02-05

Rolling Range = 36

Comparison Unit = Y

Comparison Range = 1


It is the same to have 2022-02-05|35 and 2021-02-05|35.

Previous Section <== 007 - Analytical Calendar - Calendar Consideration and Standardization 

Next Section ==> 009 - Analytical Calendar - Analytical Calendar Implementation


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