Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Analytical Calendar - 009 - Analytical Calendar Implementation

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Analytical Calendar

Analytical Calendar Implementation

The above illustrates the data model for Analytical Calendar. Technically, there are 3 tables in the design including “Analytical Calendar”, “Date Range Association” and “Custom Date”.

1.        Analytical Calendar

It is a combination of the analysis calendar and the comparison calendar. A calendar type is used to distinguish which calendar.

Analysis calendar supports all the date range selection with the date range type like Actual, YTD, MTD, YTW, Rolling, etc. The date period is directly picked by users for analysis.

Comparison calendar mainly is for date comparison. In addition to the selection related to the analysis calendar, i.e. date range type, unique date and rolling range, further selection on comparison unit and comparison range to define the comparison period.

Comparison calendar also integrates the custom date. Whatever it is selected in the analytical calendar, i.e. date range type, unique date and rolling range, a custom date is available to be selected. Once custom date is selected, the comparison unit becomes “Custom”.

User is free to select all these calendar fields while in the backend, there is a control to make sure which calendar to take effect.

2.       Custom Date

This is a table containing all the dates available in the dataset. The main function is to allow the custom date range selection.

3.       Date Range Association

It consists of all the date associations that links up to the analytical calendar to the fact table by using the association of Date Key. It uses the compression method discussed in previous section.

Data Model Working Principles

The working principle of analytical calendar is simple because it only requires picking which calendar to use, i.e. analysis calendar and comparison calendar. To be more precise, comparison calendar can be separated into comparison calendar and comparison calendar – custom.

In the analytical calendar, there are three calendar datasets including analysis calendar, comparison calendar and comparison calendar – custom.

The fields in the analytical calendar include:

·         Key fields:


It is used to link up the custom calendar. No matter which fields are selected in the analytical calendar, it can allow any custom dates to be selected.



It is the key to associate the relevant dates based on the analytical calendar design. For analysis calendar, once a combination of date range type, unique date and rolling range are selected, it will associate with meaningful period for analysis. For comparison calendar, in additional the fields required in analysis calendar, additionally, it requires comparison unit and comparison range. If comparison unit is custom, it needs the custom date to be selected in the custom date table.


·         For user selection to control the calendars:

o    Date Range Type

To select which date granularity and also the date range representation.


o    Unique Date

To select the unique date, i.e. 2022 (Year), 2022-01 (Month), 2022-01-01 (Date), etc.


o    Rolling Range

To select when Date Range Type is rolling. It ranges from 1 to the maximum number of rolling. If date range type is not rolling, it shows N/A.


o    Comparison Unit

To select the comparison unit for comparison period. It is either one of the date granularities including Y, Q, M, W, D.  The integrity is already controlled when building up the comparison calendar. In other words, it would not allow Y-Actual 2022 to have a comparison unit of M, for example.


o    Comparison Range

To select the comparison range for the comparison period. It starts from 1 to the maximal allowed period.


·         Sequence fields:


The unique date sequence is to sort the order of the unique date.



The date range type sequence is to sort the order of the date range type. So, all with same date granularity can be grouped together and based on the user preference to show the preferred order of the date ranges.


·         Calendar selection:


It has two values including ANALYSIS to indicate analysis calendar and COMPARISON to indicate comparison calendar.

Analysis calendar data sample is as illustrated below. It takes effect on the fields of:

1.        Date Range Type

2.       Unique Date

3.       Rolling Range


Comparison calendar data sample is illustrated below. It takes effect on the fields of:

1.        Date Range Type

2.       Unique Date

3.       Rolling Range

4.      Comparison Unit

5.       Comparison Range


Comparison Calendar – Custom data sample is illustrated below. It takes effect on the fields of:

1.        Date Range Type

2.       Unique Date

3.       Rolling Range

4.      Comparison Unit = ‘CUSTOM’


6.       Custom Date

Dashboard Development Principles

The Qlik associative data model already pre-calculates all the associations required for the calendar usage. For front-end dashboard development, it is required to control which calendar, i.e. analysis calendar or comparison calendar, takes the effect. In order to do that, there are two variables created:

·         vSetAnalysisAnalysisCalendar

The set analysis below helps to control the usage of the analysis calendar.



[Comparison Range] =,

[Comparison Unit] =


·         vSetAnalysisComparisonCalendar

The set analysis below helps to control the usage of the comparison calendar.



$(=if(GetSelectedCount([Custom Date])>0, ',[Unique Date]={' & Concat(chr(39) & [Custom Date] & chr(39), ',') & '}', ''))



For a chart requires to show the analysis period, it will have an expression similar to below.

Sum({< $(vSetAnalysisAnalysisCalendar) >} Exp1)


For a chart requires to show the comparison period, it will have an expression similar to below.

Sum( {<$(vSetAnalysisComparisonCalendar)>} Exp1)


For instance, if the below fields are selected,

The corresponding results will be like below.

And the corresponding period textbox will show as below.

Dashboard Design Advantages

Using the analytical calendar, it gains the below benefits:

User Perspective

·         The dashboard is easier to understand with respect to analysis period and comparison period. It follows 100% of green-white-grey design.

·         Reduce the ambiguity in date selection and chart presentation.

·         The concept is new to the user, but it is easy to pick up and understand. Less than 10 selection attempts, user is able to pick how to use.

Developer Perspective

·         It is a generic design and able to be re-used in many dashboards.

·         It reduces the complexity of the dashboard development to write very complicated set analysis and expression.

·         No need to consider conditions of selection against the chart behavior. It follows the design to show analysis period or comparison period.

·         The design allows customization to add in more date range type.

Previous Section <== 008 - Analytical Calendar - Analytical Calendar Design

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